The Internet is discussing actress Jennifer Lawrence, who exposed herself for a new film – fans are perplexed.

Lately, fans have been asking more and more questions for the Hollywood celebrity: first, Jennifer Lawrence was suspected of having plastic surgery on her face , and now a scene in a new film with her participation, where the actress was completely naked, has caused confusion. The photo with the naked star of “The Hunger Games” is being actively discussed on the Internet: fans cannot understand why their favorite actress took off her clothes?

“Only after a few years, you shouldn’t come back complaining that you were forced to be naked,” “It smells like desperation,” “Why doesn’t she go straight to an adult movie?” – Daily Mail readers wrote when they saw the photo.

However, not everyone was so categorical. Someone noticed that Jen clearly had something to show, and immediately added the film to the “I will watch” list, while others managed to see that the head and body look completely unnatural, which means that it is either a neural network or a body double.

The actress herself noted in a recent interview that it was she who undressed in the movies, and she didn’t have a single doubt. “I had fun,” Lawrence said. Yeah! It’s still fun, especially among fans furious with curiosity and misunderstanding.

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