Kim Kardashian was accused of retouching her photo – fans found proof.

The star’s frank interview about the difficulties of motherhood and several batches of honest pictures with cellulite that magically leaked onto the Internet will apparently go down in history. The trend for sincerity was still too much for Kim Kardashian to overcome. Celebrities were again caught retouching photos, and this time there was obvious confirmation.

A video collage appeared on the @ProblematicFame account on the banned social network, in which two photographs of the star were compared from the Louis Vuitton show at Paris Fashion Week: one from the Getty Images photo bank, the other from the celebrity’s personal page. There were no losers in the game of “identify the body parts that Kim photoshopped.” The areas of the abdomen, arms, waist, chest, shoulders, chin and jaw – the retoucher left not a single area unchanged.

Under the revealing post, a discussion developed according to the canons of the genre. But all the commentators agreed that the changes in the photo did not make any sense, and did not even scold the star, as usual. No matter how much we would like to, we can only feel sorry for Kim: how many complexes does she have if she feigns perfect pictures without exaggeration?

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