So far, details about the accident involving Pax Thien, Angelina Jolie’s 20-year-old son, were only known in general terms from emergency medical personnel and police reports. However, new information has emerged: Lola Cavalli, an eyewitness to the incident, has provided more details about the crash. According to Lola, she saw the young man on an electric motorcycle collide at full speed with a car that had stopped at a red light at an intersection.
As a result, the motorcyclist was thrown off the bike, landed on the ground, and was thrown to the side. Cavalli immediately called emergency services to request an ambulance. The operator instructed her to approach the injured person, examine him, and, if she found severe bleeding, to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding until help arrived. Lola reported that she did not see any open fractures upon a quick inspection.
The only bleeding she found was on the head, which was severely injured. She didn’t know how to address such a head wound. Additionally, when Pax Thien, who initially lost consciousness, began to regain awareness and tried to speak, a red stream of blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth. Cavalli noted that “the young man’s mouth was full of blood,” which led the arriving medics to suspect severe internal injuries.
As previously reported, the doctors who arrived at the scene transported Pax Thien to the hospital and admitted him to the intensive care unit. He spent almost a week there, indicating the severity of his condition. Even now, after being moved to a regular ward, doctors state that his recovery will take a considerable amount of time. Angelina Jolie has been by her adopted son’s bedside throughout this period and has publicly expressed gratitude to everyone who helped her son and saved his life.
Both Angelina and the young man’s friends are relieved that the worst has been avoided but remain concerned about Pax Thien. This is not the first accident he has been involved in. He has had multiple accidents both on his motorcycle and while driving a car, often due to his extremely reckless driving style and complete disregard for traffic rules. Furthermore, it turns out that Pax Thien never wears a protective helmet as required.