Gwen Stefani took to social media to share the sad news with her fans — she will not be able to perform and has to reschedule her show, which was supposed to take place on August 17 in Atlantic City. The artist explained that this decision was due to a medical directive.
“Due to a recent injury and after consulting with my doctors, I’ve been advised that I will not be able to perform on August 17 at Hard Rock Live at Etess Arena in Atlantic City,” Gwen said.
She continued:
“I’m so sorry for this situation. We plan to reschedule the show as soon as possible. Ticketmaster will send an email to ticket holders as soon as a new date is announced. Current tickets will be valid.”
The former No Doubt frontwoman did not specify the nature of the injury. Seven years ago, Stefani had issues with her hearing — during a flight, she suffered a ruptured eardrum. At that time, she was prohibited from singing and flying.