The Story of a Giant Actor Who Could Play Bigfoot With Little or No Makeup

The career of this extraordinary actor was not long, only 6 years. But during this time he managed to play about 20 roles. He can be seen in such movies as “Men in Black 2”, “Bewitched”, “Big Fish” and others. Due to his enormous growth, Matthew McGrory only got the roles of giants and monsters. Her height was 229 centimeters.

Our hero was born in 1973 in the family of an accountant and a housewife. Even in childhood, he was diagnosed with gigantism. Therefore, he still needed constant care and treatment.

Already in the first grade, Matthew’s parents were faced with the fact that they could not buy shoes for their son, this size simply did not exist. Therefore, shoes were sewn for him to order. By the way, because of this our hero got into the Guinness Book of Records.After graduating from high school, Matthew continued his studies as a medical examiner, but never graduated. Soon the media discovered him and he was invited to various programs and shows. And then the directors became interested in them. McGrory debuted in the movie “Dead Hates Animals.”After graduating from high school, Matthew continued his studies as a medical examiner, but never graduated. Soon the media discovered him and he was invited to various programs and shows. And then the directors became interested in them. McGrory debuted in the movie “Dead Hates Animals.”

Matthew was a very talented actor and such an unusual appearance made him in high demand. Then the audience saw him in the movie “Big Fish”, where he played the giant Carl.

And in real life, the actor was a very kind and sympathetic person. It was always interesting with him and he could carry on any conversation. Unfortunately, gigantism did not allow him to have a long life. This disease brings with it many other diseases that accompany it. Matthew therefore suffered a heart attack and the doctors could no longer save him. Our hero was only 32 years old…

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